Zell AC1000-2G
Air-Con Service Station
R134a refrigerant
Data sheet pdf

Air-Con Service Station
Service hoses with coupling for HP/LP connection
Container for air conditioning compressor oil (PAG oil)
Container for used oil
Inner tank refill connector
Power cord
Operating manual

Safety devices:

Pressure monitor: switch the compressor off if the normal operating pressure is exceeded.

Tank with pressure relief function: additional safety mechanism to protect lines or vessels from bursting if the pressure continues to rise despite the action of the pressure monitor.

Recovery: Recover the A/C refrigerant into the inner cylinder

Vacuum: Extract gases from A/C system

Purge: Release gases from inner cylinder

Recharge: Refill refrigerant into A/C system.

Oil: Inject new oil into A/C system.

Auto: One step operation Complete all steps automatically

Zell AC1000-2G Air-Con Service Station